Monday, June 29, 2009

Asia Travels - 2009

July 9-25 I will be traveling to Asia. Please keep me in your prayers as I am heading over to accomplish a few objectives. First I am meeting with new contacts to talk about future ministry possibilities, I will also be setting up a trip for next summer with a current contact, and lastly I will be joining up with another e3 team to minister to the people through training, prayer, evangelism, and discipleship. While working with this team I hope to pick up even more ways to help advance His kingdom in Asia!

I will definitely need your prayers for open doors, soft hearts, the Father's guidance, and protection from the evil one.

I was planning on bringing a team with me for the first week of my trip, but the team was not coming together. I was getting discouraged. Then I received an email from my contact saying that they could not handle a team at this time, and I realized God's hand was at work from the beginning! He did not allow the team to materialize because it was not the right timing (His timing). I do however feel He would have me go and set things up for a team to go next year.

I will email you a prayer calendar before I head out on the 9th.

In other News:
*Sorry for the lack of updates. I need your prayer support but yet if you don't know what is going on you can't be as focused in your prayers. Sorry!

*I have been talking with more people interested in what God is doing among the nations and specifically through my ministry with e3 and inviting them to be a part of my ministry team by praying, giving, and/or going. The Lord has given me a great response so far, Praise Him! Thank you to all the new ministry partners that have joined on recently. With these new funds I am able to continue my ministry and start to be more prepared for what God has in store for me in the future. Pray as I am continuing to raise up new ministry partners. I am at 77% of my new financial goal. I am targeting Thanksgiving as the date I am shooting to hit 100%.

*This blog and the emails that point you to it are the current ways most of you follow me. The email list system I use is sometimes unreliable because of tight spam filters. My ministry is in process of installing new software that will hopefully overcome this issue, and might change the way I communicate with you. In the mean time those that use FaceBook or Twitter you are welcome to look me up and follow me on those (my user name on both is crittertruax or just search for 'Chris Truax'). I will post on those whenever I update this blog.

All glory, honor, power, to our heavenly Father! Who was, and is, and is to come!