Friday, October 13, 2006

Wow, already another update...I'm on a role...

Hello Ministry Partners,

Thanks so much for your prayers and support! I thank God every time I remember you and get the privilege to call you a friend. Thanks for the encouraging emails in response to my last post.

Even though it has only been 11 days since my last post, my mission schedule for next year has grown and been shuffled around. I thought I would post again to get you all updated so that you could be praying specifically for each trip. I added a trip in March to Costa Rica. March 10-17 I will take a group of students from Dallas Bible Church during their Spring Break. I am still going to Panama May 25 - June 2. Recruiting still seems to be going well among the Liberty students. We have gotten a lot of inquiries, but none have actually signed up yet. I know now that I will be working in the city of David. David is the hometown of our main national coordinators the Vegas. I look forward to working with the whole Vega family. I will probably be traveling to Panama in April for a setup trip

Now onto Romania where the big explosion of campaigns happened :-). In my last post I told you I was doing two trips back-to-back in July. Well now I am going to do four trips back-to-back-to-back-to-back in July! I better keep working on my Romanian! I will start by helping Joe Barron lead a trip to Lugoj/Resita on July 6-14. I will lead the part of the team working in Resita. Then I will help out Craig Poston in Galati on July 13-22. Like the last two years I will lead the part of the team working with Emanuel Church. I will still be leading a student team to Bocsa, but it has been shifted back a week to July 20-28. I will finish off my excursion to Romania by co-leading a trip to Botosani on July 26 - August 5 with Gary Pettet. This will be my third time spending a month in Romania, but first time with four trips to help lead. To help me lead these trips I will probably travel to Romania in May for a setup trip. The dates above are the full dates of the campaign including travel days that is why they overlap.

I put the full dates because I want you to join me on one of my trips. So while you are praying about me and my trips, pray specifically about if God wants to use you on one of them. You might not feel adequate, but Christ in you is the hope of glory! You might be afraid to share your faith, but Christ in you is the hope of glory! You might not feel worthy, but Christ in you is the hope of glory!

The mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the saints. To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. We proclaim him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ. To this end I labor, struggling with all his energy, which so powerfully works in me. ~Colossians 1:26-29

Chris Truax

Monday, October 02, 2006

Monday Ministry

Hello Ministry Partners!

Sorry it has been a little while since I have posted an update. Let me try to catch you up on what I have been doing...

As you know I got back from Romania August 3. At that time I was still thinking I had one more trip to end the year, but that trip was postponed a few weeks ago because our national workers were bogged down and could not handle a mission team at this time. That has given me some extra time to prepare for next year's trips. As you may or may not know I am still working on my recruiting skills for trips, I have had to cancel a few trips in the past because of lack of recruiting. So I ask that you pray that I allow God to build me into a better recruiter and also ask that you pray Matthew 9:37-38 as Jesus told us to pray for more workers for the harvest fields.

As of right now I have three trips planned for next year all during the summer months. At the beginning of the summer I am taking a team from Liberty University to Panama, May 25 - June 2. I am excited to say that with very little publicity and still being months away we have already had 19 people express interest. Please pray with me for a team of 30.

In July I will be leading two trips to Romania back-to-back. First I will be taking a team to Bocsa (this is the second city I worked in this summer near Resita) July 13 - 22. For this team I will be focusing on recruiting youth (high schoolers). We have just started running trips that are geared toward youth called 'epic journeys'. These trips will have the same ministry objective but we will spend more time discipling the youth before, during, and after the trip.

The second trip will be to Botosani July 26 - Aug 4. This is the city I visited after my mountain camp this summer. It is also the first city I did a trip to in Romania. The Christians we work with there are on fire and great to work with. Although in the past this has been a hard trip to recruit I believe God wants to raise up a large team this year. Please pray with me for a team of 30 or more. Another way you can help me recruit is to actually come with me yourself, and this is the trip I would encourage you to join me on.

In addition to planning next year's trips I have had a few other things to keep me busy. I and a few others have been assisting David Kaufmann who is heading up our 'epic' ministry with strategic planning and launching this ministry. Along with that I was 'hired' (because of my web design skills) to design a website for epic. As I got into the designing I decided I wanted to use a lot of Flash elements, but did not have a lot of knowledge in Flash. So for the past few months I have been learning Flash while designing in Flash for the new e3 epic website. Please check it out @ and let me know what you think.

Also one last and important thing to pray with me about, I have been looking over my support account and see that I have been pulling out more than I am putting in each month. Thankfully, I have enough saved up to continue like I am for a few months, but I need to raise some more ministry partners so I can continue my ministry into next year and beyond. I ask that you all pray that the Lord speak to the hearts of those He desires to fund this ministry, and He directs me to them.

I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers. I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. [Eph 1:16-19a]

Chris Truax